Scott Ritter: Is that really you?

Scott, have a look at this video:

Titel: Scott Ritter Gives Heated History Lesson

Is that really you?
Have you understood what you are actually saying?

    • Do you want a „small solution“ or do you want a long-term solution?
    • I could also have asked you if you have children and love them!

Was that too clear or too cheeky?

When you have thrown a lot of dirt out of your body, you will understand that the Arabs are what they are!

    • You don’t need to be interested in the Arabs!
    • If they allow themselves to be plundered by the Satanic World Government, the chances of your children remaining free will decrease!
    • Offer them the expertise to be able to free themselves!
    • If they don’t accept it, leave them alone!
    • If you are really good, then find someone who can teach the Arabs the specialized knowledge in such a way that they no longer refuse to accept it!

The problem to be eliminated is not the Arabs, but the Satanic World Government, which must be eliminated if mankind is ever to live in peace!

    • Scott, you are an American and want the best and only the best for „your country (???)“!
    • Do you realize that you are doing an important part of the dirty work for the „Satanic World Government“?
    • Recognize the whole picture!
    • The scam probably started thousands of years ago!
    • Now the showdown has definitely begun!
    • What the Satanists generally don’t know can be found in the following video excerpt:

This is an excerpt from the video „Angels in the Outfield“. It is explained that the help of the „angels (devils???)“ is not available for the final test!

    • The Satanists have never had a „TOTAL SUCCESS“!
    • They’ll mess it up again!
    • Here is the literary downfall of Satan!
    • It starts with: „Damit die ganze Welt den vorweggenommenen literarischen „Untergang Satans“ zur Kenntnis nehmen kann, sei er hier eingebunden:“ (Zitat Ende)

I wouldn’t have been alive
for a long time
if my view of things
wasn’t predominantly correct!



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